Legal Terms
HELM do Brasil Mercantil Ltda. (CNPJ/MF nº 47.176.755/0001-05), a company established in the city of São Paulo/SP, is part of the German HELM group based in Hamburg, with more than 120 years of history in the field of chemicals, raw materials and production for the pharmaceutical, human and animal nutrition, and pesticide industries.
German HELM AG keeps this website in the domain for purposes of information, advertisement and communication with the public. By using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions of use below and to comply with them, accepting our practices in accordance with its provisions.
Contents and functioning of the website
This website has the purposes of advertising and informing the public about our brands, products and activities, and of opening a channel for the public to contact us. Our website is neither a repository of technical information about our products nor should be regarded as any form of recommendation for the acquisition or use of any of our products or services in particular.
All information in our website has been checked cautiously, but it should not be regarded as free of any inaccuracies or mistakes. We do not guarantee that this information will always be complete, accurate and up-to-date, nor that it will be sufficient for answering your questions, whether technical or otherwise. We are not responsible for the use of such information by you. For technical information about our products, please refer to their respective labels, manuals, package inserts and leaflets, or contact our team directly.
Intellectual property
You are authorized to use our website and its functions only as commonly available by a web browser. The use of our website does not grant any explicit nor implied license for the use of any content, brands, layout, interface, programming elements or any other intellectual property except for the normal and intended use and operation of our website through a web browser.
Any texts, pictures, graphs, images, sounds, videos and any other content of our website have been developed and are property of HELM do Brasil Mercantil Ltda. (or of third parties, when indicated). All rights reserved by the respective owners in accordance with copyright laws in Brazil (Law nº 9.610/1998). This content may not be used without written authorization, under the penalties of applicable law.
The pictures, audio and videos presented in our website may also contain the image of certain persons and recordings of their voices. The use of their image and voices is subject to the authorization of those individuals.
HELM trademark, the corresponding logos and other marks depicted in our website are owned by HELM do Brasil Mercantil Ltda., HELM AG and other companies of our economic group. Their commercial use is strictly forbidden in accordance to intellectual property laws in Brazil (Law nº 9.279/1996), except under a proper license.
Layouts, interfaces, designs, codes and applications that compose the website are protected under the copyright and software protection laws in Brazil (Law nº 9.609/1998). It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, adapt, reverse engineer, and otherwise use them, except for the normal and intended use and operation of our website.
No infringement of intellectual property rights described herein shall be tolerated and the offender shall be subject to civil and criminal prosecution, in court or through private means, as deemed appropriate and applicable.
You must accept and acknowledge that we cannot guarantee uninterrupted functioning of our website or that the website is free of any errors or vulnerabilities. We adopt all appropriate standards and practices of information security, which are constantly updated. However, there is no ultimately foolproof security system due to the continuous development of the prior art.
We shall not be liable for damages that may be caused by any malware, viruses or other components or programs, malicious or not, that may be installed from our website and cause losses or damages to the users' systems and equipment due to errors, incompatibilities or security breaches.
We shall also not be liable for any damage suffered as a result of third-party attacks, either to the users' systems and equipment, to our systems and equipment, or to the networks connecting them, even if such failure occurs due to the exploitation of vulnerabilities in our website.
Our website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites. We are not responsible for their content, availability and practices regarding the protection of personal data. Hyperlinks to these sites are accessed at your own risk and we recommend that you always check the terms and conditions of use and privacy policies applicable to each case.
São Paulo, 13 November 2018.